
1) The cloud is a new model for the use of computer equipment. It is based on transfering part of your files and programs to servers that you can access through the Internet. It allows you to store your documents,media, etc. on those servers.


You can access from anywhere and with several devices. Your programs and files are in the Cloud, so you only need an Internet connection to access them and use them remotely; all the software is in one place. This avoids having to install the programs on your PC, your laptop or each and every one of the multiple computers in a network, the only program you need to have is an Internet browser to access the Cloud and work on it, saving in software and hardware.


Lack of  security and privacy, your files and information are stored in the Cloud which implies losing a bit of control. It is more difficult to be sure of who accesses that information or if it is protected or not as it should be.
 Everything depends on the Internet connection If it doesn’t work, it will not be possible to access the programs or the data, problems of legal coverage. Cloud servers can be anywhere in the world. If there are problems, it is not clear which law should be applied and if this will protect the owner or the information.

-Evernote: I can create notes and documents and can acces to them from any of my devices.

-Google Drive: I can share documents with some  of my work colleagues.

-I can storage my computer backup.


5) In this new era of digitalization, a very important issue is that because of cloud computing, which involves uploading data to the web or the "cloud" is easier  sharing  information in  private sphere, on the other hand are the companies, to which this new tool helps to optimize their work and save money in investment costs and physical infrastructure, that is because cloud computing offers software, databases and storage space to all the connected devices.

For me is a bit difficult to trust the integrity and privacity of my data, so I do not use it in my daily life as I am suposed to. However I have to admit that is an important tool and it’s the future of storage and document sharing.


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